Western Maine Board of Federation Softball Umpires

Constitution and By-Laws

Western Maine Board of Federation Softball Umpires

Article 1. Name.

This organization shall be known as the Western Maine Board of Federation Softball Umpires. (WMBFSU)

Article 2. Purpose.

The purpose of this organization is to promote uniformity in interpreting softball rules and regulations; to maintain a uniform standard of qualifications for officials; to magnify the place of softball as a game for the development of character, good sportsmanship and citizenship and that the Western Maine Board of Federation Softball Umpires be governed by this Constitution and By-Laws.

Article 3. Membership.

The following steps are necessary to gain membership:

A. Active Membership: A person may become an active member as follows:

Article 5. Quorum.

A quorum shall consist of members in good standing who have the power to hold meetings.

Article 6. Officers.

The officers of this organization shall be: President, Vice-President, Rules Interpreter, Secretary-Treasurer, and (a) member (s) at large. This group, along with any assigner who is a member in good standing with the board and the past president (who shall be an ex officio member), shall be called the executive committee.

The election of officers shall take place at the Annual Fall Meeting. The officers shall be nominated by a committee appointed by the President for that purpose. The Secretary-Treasurer and Rules Interpreter will each receive a stipend set by the membership at the Fall Meeting. The Rules Interpreter may appoint an assistant to assist with his/her duties.

Examination Committee.

The Examination Committee shall be composed of (3) members in good standing for the current season. It will be chaired by the Rules Interpreter and members will be selected by the Rules Interpreter. The function of the Examination Committee shall be to administer the written and mechanics clinic to prospective candidates and veteran officials.

Ethics Committee.

The Ethics Committee shall consist of three (3) active members and be appointed by the Executive Committee and approved by the general membership at the Spring Meeting. The chairperson of the Ethics Committee shall be elected annually by a vote of the Ethics Committee.

The Ethics Committee shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining standards to uphold the integrity of all members of WMBFSU. The Ethics Committee shall review all complaints and violations of the constitution and by-laws of this board. Regulations established by the Ethics Committee shall have been approved by the Executive Committee. Enforcement of these regulations shall be the duty of the Ethics Committee. All members shall be informed at the Spring Meeting of any changes in regulations established by the Ethics Committee with the approval of the Executive Committee.

Article 7. Dues.

The dues shall be as established by a vote of the membership at the Fall meeting. Officials dues for the following year shall be paid no later than February 1st. Any member who fails to pay their dues by the date (postmark no later than February 1st) shall be subject to a $10.00 fine.

Article 8. Amendments.

Amendments to this constitution may be made by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting at a duly constituted meeting. No changes in the Constitution shall be made until members have been notified by mail at least ten days prior to the meeting in which the proposed change is to be considered. Any member having a change to propose should notify the Secretary-Treasurer in writing.


These by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those present at a duly constituted meeting.

1.Fees. Fees for all high school games and tournaments shall conform to the negotiated fee set by the MPA. The fee schedule for junior high and middle school games will be as negotiated by the Executive Committee with individual schools or conferences.

If a question should arise regarding the payment of fees and expenses, the officials may accept the fee and immediately notify the Secretary-Treasurer of the deficiency and failure to make restitution to the officials may result in notification of board officials to refuse to work future games at the school of schools involved.

Tournament Fees. Tournament fees shall conform to the negotiated fees set by the MPA. 

Mileage. Mileage in all cases shall be as stipulated by negotiated contract with the MPA Fees Committee.

2.Working Conditions.


In case of substitution of officials caused by illness or injury, the substitute official or officials must be satisfactory to both schools or organizations. The official canceling due to illness or injury may not work any game on that date.

Penalty for Violation.

An official(s) who fails to notify the schools or organization or assigner that they will not be able to work a game one day prior to the game date shall be referred to the Ethics Committee for action.

Postponement of Game.

In case of postponing of game the officials originally hired to work the game shall be asked to work the substitute date if they are available to work.

3. Examination Methods and Date.

A. New Applicants. (see article 3)

B. Active Officials.

Any active official not attending one sponsored clinic, the Spring Interpretation, either the Spring or Fall business meeting, and also completing and passing the written exam will be placed on probation for one year and will be eliminated as a candidate for tournament assignments. Not fulfilling these obligations for two years in a row will result in automatic suspension from the Board.

(1) Spring Interpretation and Business Meeting

(2) Written Exam

(3) Fall Meeting

(4) Annual Board sponsored clinics

There are no scheduled make-up clinics for the annual Spring Interpretation Meeting. An Act of God or valid reasons for not taking the rules exam must be made in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer to be submitted to the Ethics Committee for their consideration. An appeal may be made to the Executive Committee in accordance with the procedures set forth in By-Law 4-F. The decision of the Executive Committee to be final.

4. Ethics.

A. Alleged Violations of the Code of Ethics

If a written complaint is received by the Ethics Committee, the following steps will be taken:

B. Code of Ethics:

5. Attendance at Meetings.

An active official and successful candidate who has passed the written exam and who fails to attend the required meetings (set forth in By-Law 3-B) without a valid excuse, in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer, shall be submitted to the Ethics Committee to be subject to the appropriate penalties as are set forth in By-Law 3-B.

6. Uniform.

All umpires must wear the proper uniform as prescribed by Maine ASA and the WMBFSU standard. The official uniform is the ASA uniform.

Plate umpires must wear a hat when working the plate.

There will be no shorts allowed in any or all High School games.

Any violation of the uniform rule will result in disqualification from tournament games.

7. Armed Forces Service Men/Women.

Active members called into the armed forces shall not be dropped from rolls provided that notification by the service person be made in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer.

8. Increase in Fees and Expenses.

Suggested increases in fees and expenses shall be proposed and discussed at the Fall Business Meeting.

9. Tournament Assignments:

Umpires who wishes to umpire in tournament games must:

WMBFSU Constitution & By-Laws as of 10/6/2004